Clean Water Project

Water Crisis in Pakistan

Pakistan is a country that faces significant challenges in terms of access to clean and safe water. Despite having several major rivers and numerous small water bodies, a large part of the population faces water scarcity due to a variety of factors, including a rapidly growing population, inadequate water management, and climate change. Some of the areas Like Tharpakar, Sindh & Cholistan, Punjab are the Pakistan’s particularly affected by water scarcity. 

Our Mission

The lack of access to clean and safe water in these areas has significant implications for public health, agriculture, and economic development. Water scarcity can lead to food insecurity, water-borne diseases, and a range of other challenges, making it essential to address this issue through sustainable water management practices and targeted interventions.

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Project Types
with Installation Costs

  • Traditional Handpump is product name
    Traditional Handpump is product name 1,000,000
  • Traditional Handpump
    Traditional Handpump


  • Water Cooler for Masjid & Public Places
    Water Cooler for Masjid & Public Places


  • Community Hand pump
    Community Hand pump


  • Submersible Pump with Water Tank
    Submersible Pump with Water Tank


  • Solar Submersible pump with water tank
    Solar Submersible pump with water tank


  • Water Filtration Plant
    Water Filtration Plant


  • Water Supply Scheme Project
    Water Supply Scheme Project


  • Masjid Water Supply Project
    Masjid Water Supply Project


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